Friday, December 27, 2019

Bioethanol, a Potential Fuel Revolution

Simply put, bioethanol is ethanol (alcohol) that is derived exclusively from the fermentation of plant starches. Though ethanol can be extracted as a byproduct from a chemical reaction with ethylene and other petroleum products, these sources are not considered renewable and therefore disqualify most ethanol from being considered bioethanol. Chemically, bioethanol is identical to ethanol and can be represented by either the formula C2H6O or C2H5OH. Really, bioethanol is a marketing term for the products that do not have immediate harm to the environment through the burning and use of natural gas. It can be fermented from sugar cane, switchgrass, grains, and agricultural waste.   Environmental Benefits of Bioethanol Fuel All fuel combustion  Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã‚  regardless of how eco-friendly it is  Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã‚  generates dangerous emissions that harm the Earths atmosphere. However, the burning of ethanol, especially bioethanol, has far fewer emissions than gasoline or coal. For that reason, the burning of bioethanol, especially in vehicles that can use fuels derived from them, is much better for the environment than some other alternative fuel sources.   Ethanol, in general, reduces greenhouse emissions by up to 46 percent compared to gasoline, and the added bonus of bioethanol not relying on harmful chemical processing means it further minimizes the harmful effects of gasoline use. According to the United States Energy Information Administration,  unlike gasoline, pure ethanol is non-toxic and biodegradable, and it quickly breaks down into harmless substances if spilled. Still, no fuel combustion is good for the environment, but if you must drive a car for work or pleasure, consider switching to a flex-fuel vehicle capable of processing ethanol-gasoline blends. Other Types of Biofuel Biofuels can be broken down into five types: bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, biobutanol, and biohydrogen. Like bioethanol, biodiesel is derived from plant matter. Specifically, the fatty acids in vegetable oils are used to create a powerful substitute through a process known as transesterification. In fact, McDonalds now converts much of its vegetable oil to biodiesel to reduce their companys large carbon footprint. Cows actually produce methane in such large amounts in their burps that theyre one of the largest contributors to emissions in the natural world, an issue that is impacted significantly by commercial farming. Methane is a type of biogas which is produced during digestion of biomass or the burning of wood (pyrolysis). Sewage and manure can also be used to create biogas. Biobutanol and biohydrogen  are both yielded through biological means of further breaking down butanol and hydrogen from the same materials as bioethanol and biogas. These fuels are common replacements for their synthetic or chemically engineered (more harmful) counterparts. Source Biofuels explained. U.S. Energy Information Administration, October 23, 2019, Washington, DC.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Effects Of Cultural Discrimination On Immigrant Social...

Effects of cultural discrimination on immigrant social workers Cultural discrimination, one of the major problems in Canada, shows distances in relationships between the citizens and the new immigrants. Immigrants, refugees and the indigenous groups are the minority groups in Canada. International social workers are labeled under minority groups. These workers are being ill-treated on the basis of race and color. Many people migrated to North America especially in Canada. International students are attracting Canada as one of the best places to continue their studies. Skilled workers are expecting better futures when they come to Canada, but the expectations are buried under their imaginations. The process of immigration and citizenship is limiting immigrants on the basis of trade to avoid unemployment in Canada. This system is affecting many internationally educated social workers and other skilled workers. There are some supporting factors in the area of social work practice in Ca nada but on the other hand discrimination and oppression are prevailing in full effect. Immigrant social workers are facing ethnic discrimination in work places. International social workers are unable to influence employers. The adverse impacts on immigrant social workers show that they are being discriminated by Canadian citizens, who are labeled as the mainstream groups, and they are controlling and making decisions in work places. Formation of the social order against prejudice andShow MoreRelatedIt s Official Second Class Citizenship Goes Into Effect1693 Words   |  7 Pagescitizenship goes into effect.† Canadian government created a two tier citizenship system under the law of Bill C-24, which stipulated dual citizens and people who immigrants to Canada can have their citizenship take away while other Canadians who born in Canada cannot. 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Mary and Mario, a couple who is seeking maritalRead MoreMulticulturalism And Its Impact On Society1585 Words   |  7 Pagescelebration of cultural diversity and pluralism to redress the inequalities all throughout the world. Through the readings, it is easy to identify that multiculturalism made a daily impact on people. The most critical social groups such as race, gender, religion, sexuality, nationali ty, and disability face the most constraint and enmity on social identity and opportunity. For the longest time, America has referred to multiculturalism as a term that represents a pluralist culture from the immigrant societiesRead MoreCulture And Its Effects On Our Culture1298 Words   |  6 Pagescognitive, perceptual and motivational levels. Culture is an important part of our blueprint for operation within our physical and social worlds. We are an insecure species and culture offers us a reduction of anxiety through its standard rules of thought, emotion and behavior. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Do You Have Any Sympathy At All free essay sample

For Both, One Or Neither Of The Macbeths? Essay, Research Paper In life everyone has ends that they hope to achieve and there are many ways that one can accomplish these ends. To accomplish what you desire you can either wait for clip to take its toll, or take affairs into your ain custodies and make what you have to make in order to carry through your desires. You can achieve your end every bit long as you have aspiration. In Shakespeare s Macbeth, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth had the end of Macbeth going male monarch: to obtain this they took affairs into custodies and killed Duncan. In order for person to perpetrate such a flagitious act as slaying the plotters must be ruthless, and this is what Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were, ruthless. This pitilessness provides small support, for any or some understanding for the characters at the terminal of the drama. Lady Macbeth is more pitiless than her hubby and her pitilessness is what fuelled the slaying of Duncan. Her pitilessness and power hungriness led aspiration is shown when she is first seen in the drama at Act 1 Scene 5 ; the missive reading scene. In this scene Lady Macbeth remarks on her ideas after holding read the missive from her hubby, she knows that her hubby who is excessively full O Thursday milk of human kindness ( excessively sort and Nice in other words ) may hold problem confronting up and holding the backbones to kill the male monarch. She knows that to carry through her aspiration, she will hold to carry Macbeth to kill the male monarch. Lady Macbeth uses different techniques to press Macbeth into believing that killing Duncan would be the lone to acquire on the throne, quotation mark, Your manus, your lingua ; look like th guiltless flower but be the snake under T Lady Macbeth means that misrepresentation will be needed to perpetrate the slaying. Possibly the most important events that display that Lady Macbeth is more pitiless than her hubby occurs in Act 1 Scene 7. Below is a quotation mark from Macbeth, First, as I am his kinsman and his topic, Strong both against his title ; so as his host, who should against his murdered shut door, non bear the knife myself. This shows that Macbeth does ( at this point ) have a scruples and he does care about being male monarch, but does non desire to hold to kill for the throne. In this monologue, Macbeth weighs up all the pros and cons of slaying Duncan and for a disconnected second, he decides non to kill him, but stating his married woman this, We will continue no farther in this concern she fools him into altering his determination. At this point I feel some understanding for Macbeth merely because he is so indecisive and can easy be persuaded by his morally stronger married woman. This brings up another facet, Macbeths and Lady Macbeths relationship. The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is a really close one but a unusual one. There are several things that Macbeth does non cognize about Lady Macbeth that she knows about him, for illustration she knows his failings and the strength of his character. At the beginning of the drama Lady Macbeth is the stronger of the two. Although it was the enchantresss that told Macbeth anticipations of him going male monarch, It was Lady Macbeth who got the wheels turning, with her art of persuasion, and cognition of Macbeth s failings, to do him kill the male monarch. Another scene, which is of import about demoing the deeper characters, is Act 2 Scene 2. The slaying scene. In this scene it seems that Macbeth truly regrets slaying Duncan and inquiries his ain actions, quote Act 2 Scene 2 lines 50-53, I ll travel no more, I am afraid to believe what I have done expression on T once more I dare non. It is as if it is merely him that feels compunction and he feels disturbed by the fact that he has killed Duncan, quotation mark, Still it cried, Sleep no more! to all the house, Glamis hath murdered Sleep, and hence Cawdor shall kip no more, Macbeth shall kip no more Macbeth knows that his actions were non right and that he ll lose slumber over Duncan s slaying ( but we know who really does lose there slumber in the terminal ) nevertheless his married woman does non demo the same emotions alternatively she criticizes him, quotation mark, Who was it that therefore cried? Why, worthy Thane, you do straighten your baronial strength to believe brainsickly of things. At this point I feel compassion for Macbeth for he is in a state of affairs that he didn Ts truly want to be in the first topographic point but due to his married woman hungriness for power he was now standing with the blood of the male monarch on his custodies. I believe that Lady Macbeth, does candidly care for her hubby because she is ever salvaging him from uncovering that they are Duncan s liquidators, because after the slaying, Macduff finds Duncan dead, Macbeth so starts to move suspiciously and pull attending to himself. It is so that Lady Macbeth has to assist him out and pull the attending off from him and to her by fainting. She does this later excessively, during the banquet scene. Lady Macbeth is ever at that place to clean up after Macbeth ; Because of this I did experience a small compassion for Lady Macbeth at that point and wear t think so severely of her. A turning point in the drama has to be in Act 3 Scene 2. In Act 3 Scene 2, the farther impairment of Macbeth, and in peculiar, his relationship with Lady Macbeth is emphasised. Here, Lady Macbeth # 8217 ; s character is shown to be a alone adult female who one time knew everything that was traveling on in her life with Macbeth ; she played a portion in everything. She longs one time once more to hold the relationship that she had with her hubby, holding a strong influence on him. She wants to cognize what is traveling on. He does non specifically state her what is to be done but merely intimations that a # 8220 ; deed is to be done # 8221 ; . This scene clearly shows what has become of their relationship. It is on a diminution. They are no longer spouses as Macbeth one time said ; his # 8220 ; dearest spouse # 8221 ; . They have swapped places. She has lost the power that she one time had and Macbeth has gained a power that he neer had. After this scene Macbeth orders the slayin gs of Banquo and Fleance. After Macbeth orders the slayings of Banquo ( his friend ) and Fleance, I know begin to experience less compassion and understanding for him. This is because before Lady Macbeth was giving out the orders and Macbeth obeyed like a hapless Canis familiaris but now Macbeth utilizing his ain enterprise is directing out liquidators to make his dirty work. He is the 1 now giving out the orders. The scene, which I think, shows that Lady Macbeth cares for Macbeth is the Banquet scene. The banquet scene, apart from demoing the guilt that Macbeth carries with him after the slaying of Banquo, presents one time once more that Lady Macbeth is really watchful and knows how to pull attending off from Macbeth, who fears the shade of Banquo. She tells them to go forth and she has one time once more saved himself from uncovering himself, she has protected him once more and this presents us with the fact that she still loves him and attentions for him and wants to protect him. Something that Macbeth can non give to her in return. After the Banquet scene we do non see Lady Macbeth once more until Act 5 Scene1 The Scene that I lost all understanding for Macbeth is Act 4 Scene 2. In this Scene Macbeth sends slayings out to slay in wholly guiltless household of Macduff. I thought, that making this was wholly non called for and those actions took away any last scintilla of understanding I had for Macbeth. In Act 5 Scene 1, the somnambulating scene in which Lady Macbeth sleepwalks and reveals her guilt and panic of what she has done is a contrast to what her character was like before. It is now like that God had punished hear for her workss earlier in the drama. She was powerful and now she is so guilt ridden that she is at the province of somnambulating. It presents us with an sarcasm. In Act 2, where they have murdered Duncan she states that # 8220 ; a small spot of H2O shall unclutter us of this title # 8221 ; and yet during her somnambulating she says # 8220 ; out darn topographic point, out # 8221 ; and attempts so hard to take the blood. It proves the point that everything is non every bit easy as it seems. This adult female who was one time so powerful is now nil more than a frightened scoundrel and although Lady Macbeth knew this about Macbeth, he doesn # 8217 ; t seem to gain it about her. At this point even I have to acknowledge that I feel a small understanding for Lady Macbeth even after the evil workss she did commit earlier in the drama. Once mentally strong and powerful now she seems to be a down small adult female on the brink of self-destruction. The major scene in which the alterations in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth # 8217 ; s relationship is shown is in Act 5 where he is told of Lady Macbeth # 8217 ; s decease. This scene shows merely what the relationship has resulted to and the heartache that he feels. The quotation mark # 8220 ; she should hold died afterlife Tells us that Macbeth is sorrowing and that he has lost all that he has, it isn t truly a normal reaction compared to Macduff s, when he found out his married woman was dead. Macbeth s is instead mild relatively. His following address # 8220 ; tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow # 8221 ; shows his fatigue and his realization that he has no hereafter and that he has lost everything he of all time had. He uses two metaphors about life. One of a # 8220 ; wavering taper # 8221 ; and the other # 8220 ; that life is merely a series of stages # 8221 ; He talks in a instead self-destructive mode as he knows that everything is lost. I think that at this point I felt sorry /sympathy for Macbeth after all that had happened to him. The Witches and his married woman being major influences on him, made his life, in the terminal, deteriorate and to the point of selflessness. Overall, holding read the drama my personal response is slightly ambivalent to state the least. In some parts of the drama you feel compassion for the character in others hatred for their actions. In the terminal, I say, I have to hold with the statement: This meatman and his fiend- like queen

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Karl Marx Essays (1871 words) - Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels

Karl Marx Human relationships have always been dynamic. Change and adaptability have gone hand in hand with the passage of time for human society. Systems have been developed to regulate, direct and control the resources of this society. The systems are referred to as governments and the resources as the populace or inhabitants and forces of production. A government must be dynamic in its nature reflecting the change in society. At times these systems have resisted the necessity to adapt with its components (Society) creating a deficit between the system and those it regulates. As the deficits develop, they cause instability, and could lead to revolution.1 Theories have been developed to explain the systemic phenomenon Karl Marx was the greatest thinker and philosopher of his time. His view revolutionized the way in which people think. He created an opportunity for the lower class to rise above the aristocrats and failed due to the creation of the middle class. Despite this failure, he was still a great political leader and set the basis of Communism in Russia. His life contributed to the way people think today, and because of him people are more open to suggestion and are quicker to create ideas on political issues. Karl Heinrich Marx was born May 5th, 1818 in Trier. Although he had three other siblings, all sisters, he was the favorite child to his Father, Heinrich. His mother, a Dutch Jewess named Henrietta Pressburg, had no interest in Karl's intellectual side during his life. His father was a Jewish lawyer, and before his death in 1838, converted his family to Christianity to preserve his job with the Prussian state. When Heinrich's mother died, he no longer felt he had an obligation to his religion, thus helping him in the decision in turning to Christianity. Karl's childhood was a happy and care-free one. His parents had a good relationship and it help set Karl in the right direction." His ?splendid natural gifts' awakened in his father the hope that they would one day be used in the service of humanity, whilst his mother declared him everything would go well. (The story of his life, Mehring, page 2). In High school Karl stood out among the crowd. When asked to write a report on "How to choose a profession" he took a different approach. He took the angle in which most interested him, by saying that there was no way to choose a profession, but because of circumstances one is placed in an occupation. A person with a aristocratic background is more likely to have a higher role in society as apposed to someone from a much poorer background. While at Bonn at the age of eighteen he got engaged to Jenny von Westphalen, daughter of the upperclassmen Ludwig von Westphalen. She was the childhood friend of Marx's oldest sister, Sophie. The engagement was a secret one, meaning they got engaged without asking permission of Jenny's parents. Heinrich Marx was uneasy about this but before long the consent was given. Karl's school life other than his marks is unknown. He never spoke of his friends as a youth, and no one has ever came to speak of him through his life. He left high school in August of 1835 to go on to the University of Bonn in the fall of the same year to study law. His father wanted him to be a lawyer much like himself but when Karl's reckless university life was getting in the way after a year Heinrich transferred him to Berlin. Also, he did not go to most lectures, and showed little interest in what was to be learned. Karl's reckless ways were not tolerated at Berlin, a more conservative college without the mischievous ways of the other universities. While at Berlin, Marx became part of the group known as the Yong Hegelians. The group was organized in part due to the philosophy teacher Hegel that taught from 1818 to his death. The teachings of Hegel shaped the way the school thought towards most things. Those who studied Hegel and his ideals were known as the Young Hegelians. Hegel spoke of the development and evolution of the mind and of ideas. Although Karl was younger than most in the group, he was recognized for his intellectual ability and became the focus of the group. While at Berlin "He came to believe that all the various sciences and philosophies were part of one overarching, which, when completed, which would give a true and total picture of the universe and man."